Hand Bouquet

We hope that D&E Florist will appear foremost in your mind whenever you think of a beautiful bunch of flowers or a stunning flower bouquet. We understand just how important it is that your choice of gift is delivered in perfect condition – and with a smile – because you can’t be there in person.

D&E florist is offering same day door-to-door delivery service so that you can surprise your loved one with the perfect arrangement. Call us now, and tell us to whom and where we should deliver, and we will get it done.

Click Here to see how to order flowers

Call 012-4777620 and our friendly staff will help you through the process

When we pick up the phone, just let us know the following 2 details:

1. The Purpose Of Buying Flowers

2. Where We Should Send To

3. Bank in to CIMB Bank, 8003851283, DNE Florist

That’s it and we will deliver it to the doorstep of the address you provide!